Jeevan Anmol Hospital was founded by our Chairperson Dr. Garima Singh and Dr. P.K. Singh in 2016. It was a 5-bedded hospital in a rented building at Lamka near Banaras Sweet House. Due to our continuous efforts, hard work and good faith by our patients, we finally moved to a new 40-bedded Super Multispeciality Hospital in Sangam Vihar Colony, Awaleshpur, named as “JEEVAN ANMOL HOSPITAL.”
This hospital is equipped with all branches of modern medicine (all branches). This hospital is run by a company named as “RAMDULARI HEALTH CARE PPVT. LTD.” FOUNDED IN 2021. Our main focus is to give care in cheap and affordable rate.
Qualified Doctors
Our clients and bring the
best of who.
Allergy Medicine
Our clients and bring the
best of who.