Obstetrics and Gynaecology


This branch of medical science not only caters to the patients with diseases of the female genital tract but also deals with the normal physiology and sexual development of a girl into a woman. The transition period of a girl into a woman is called adolescent period.

Adolescence is the period of frequent physical and sexual growth involving psychological, emotional, and gynecological problems, menstruation, and pain in lower abdominal part.

Services Offered

  • Counseling and guidance about conception and contraception
  • Care of a woman during antenatal period (before labor) and antenatal parent crafts
  • Postnatal and lactation period (post delivery period)
  • Pri-menopausal and post-menopausal periods of woman’s life
  • Screening of Breast cancer
  • Screening of Genital tract cancers
  • Facility of vaccination for the prevention of certain cancers of female genital tract

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Award Winning Service

There are three methods of confirming pregnancy.

Best Doctors

We focus on high-quality gynecology care.